
Friday, 9 November 2012

Halloween 2012 !

YAY ! Finally have time to blog
about Halloween this year ! To be honest , I didn't even expect myself to even have a chance to blog about this post to you guys . Everybody on my twitter timeline , Facebook and all my friends had already booked tickets to USS/Sentosa or out somewhere to celebrate Halloween ): And on the 28th , I didn't even had any plans at all ! And for some reason , I felt so upset over it ! 

Till the very last minute approximately around 
7-8 plus , Kaiming went to Vivo and actually got the entry tickets to Sentosa Spooktacular
LAST ENTRY WAS 9.30PM THAT DAY . PLUS , it was the last day of Sentosa Spooktacular , I haven't even start preparing yet ! I was so happy when I knew I could celebrate Halloween too ! I rushed , and headed out to Vivo City that night , and there , HELLO SENTOSA SPOOKTACULAR ❤ 

Even though we got the tickets , 
we weren't sure if we could make it to Fort Siloso for Halloween by 9.30PM especially when we still have to take the train to Siloso beach and then another tram to Fort Siloso !  BUT WE STILL MADE IT IN THE END ! Confession , I WAS ALREADY VERY SCARED BEFORE I EVEN REACH FORT SILOSO OK ? My palms became really cold ! 

On the train towards Palawan/Siloso Beach !

Once we alighted from the tram 
we took from the Siloso beach station , the 'ghost' bus driver was so nice ! He directed us on how to head towards Sentosa Spooktacular . To be honest , I was wary of him . I thought he would scare us during the ride or something ! *paranoid girl at work*

The entrance was however , 
just a piece of black cloth LOL . It's actually really freaky , it makes my heart race and wonder what's gonna be behind the black cloth since I had my experience at USS Halloween and it already freaked me out ! But well , I literally mind fucked myself ! I constantly told myself not to scared and be brave enough to initiate taking pictures together with the 'ghosts' . Why ? Just so to give them the impression that I'm not scared LOL , which explains why I have so many photos taken with them .

I got shocked by this one though . Because initially while posing for the photo , he was just standing beside me without his right hand raised , and seconds before the flash clicks , he raised his hands and open up his 'claws' ! I was totally caught off guard . EMBARRASSING !

I felt like I'm such a horrid person !
Kaiming has been taking photos for me , so then I MADE HIM TAKE PHOTOS WITH THE HALLOWEEN PEEPS . HAH , he rejected me quite a few times ! And I self assumed that he was a timid and thought he would prove me wrong ...... but I guess not , you will find out why !

A traditional push cart stall selling "dim sum" (traditional Chinese dessert) also known as the Chinese characters above , "点心" !
I kept walking forward , to be honest I wasn't even close to the push cart
when I took this photo , I used "zoom" on my camera !!! I was afraid that something might be wrong , something fishy , maybe a person would be there to scare you as you get closer or something ! And when I walked pass it again , I WAS RIGHT , LOOK BELOW .

It may look pretty freaky , I know .
But she was kinda cute ! She used this really squeaky tone , she spoke to me and said in Mandarin , " 带我回家 " which in English it means , "Bring me home" LOL . Freaky , but well her voice & how she looked up at me with those puppy eyes of hers was definitely adorable .

When Kaiming and I passed by
the first stall in Sentosa Spooktacular that sells snacks , I stopped immediately and bought these ! :
No choice , I'm a glutton !
They REALLY earn , like $3 for one sausage and $3.50 for root beer , which we ,
obviously would purchase because as time passes inside we would get hungry and thirsty ! Unless you're saying you bring food and water along when you're going for a Halloween celebration /:

They were the coolest ! All of them were on roller blades ! HAHHA , they even attempted to take my sausage .

Kaiming and his sexy friend

Lady Fox ! She doesn't attempts to scare anyone , she just stands , walk around and greets everyone with her evil smile LOL

CAMP BERHANTU was the first haunted house we queued for !
There was 5 haunted houses
in total , and surprisingly we managed to experience all 5 even though we came in a lot later than the rests ! Camp Berhantu had the longest queue then , we queued for around an hour plus ! But we weren't even bored while queuing at all ! In order to entertain those who were queuing up , different sort of 'ghosts' danced along with 'Gangnam Style'  & other songs in unison ! Really spectacular , I've never had Halloween like this ! 'Ghosts' would also sneak up right beside or behind you suddenly while you're queuing , they really create the Halloween atmosphere !

All sorts of amazing characters there ,
in Sentosa Spooktacular . Moreover , they are all SUPER amazing . They stay in their roles at all time under the thick costume and make up ! #salute

Fake corpse hanged on branches of the trees .

Ninjas , corpse , ghosts , and other characters dancing along gangnam style !

Snapping photos is unavoidable while waiting for our turn to enter the haunted house !

Throughout the Sentosa Spooktacular journey ,
we met this dude . He's amazing , friendly and funny !!!

I don't know how she could actually see through that thick make up of hers with stockings-like material wrapped over her head wtf .

Even when he wants to enjoy the chilling moment in front of the fan , he stays in character !

One word , cute !

Tombs along the way ! And the names on it were like , "Tom , dick , harry" Lol

The drinks store !

MAHJONG FOR YOU ? An empty seat on the right just for YOU LOL

The horrid thing is that ,
once you make eye contact with any of the "ghosts" and you appear to be scared , they WILL walk towards you . And that's what happened to me below . (Though we managed to snap a photo)

Land of the lost souls (Sawadee Airlines) was one of the haunted houses too !
When we were queuing up , the area was actually playing
Thai songs and was rather enjoyable . Besides Camp Berhantu , the rests of the haunted houses almost had no queues at all ! Sawadee Airlines was one of my favorite ! The moment I go in , Thai stewardess were greeting us ! And all of them looked like a normal stewardess without any form of Halloween make up which makes me wonder what's going on . Then , suddenly we were stopped ! Guys and girls were to be separated . And girls have to enter first with their eyes closed ! With my eyes closed , I was lead towards and long and narrow flight of stairs , it was dark and when I could open my eyes as instructed GUESS WHAT I SAW ? 

Thai transvestites (Ahgua , the more common term) .
They were big sized guys dressed in skimpy clothes and wore wigs grinding me on the flight of stairs with disco spotlights switched on ! It was really unexpected and creative for a Halloween haunted house ! And they repeatedly asked "500 baht only , can or not ?" HAHHAHAHA . More of like places with prostitution going on ! Well , although it was funny from the start , I later on get to meet with the guys and everything in the haunted house started to get scarier . Faces of stewardess become rotten etc etc . It was fun though !

At the end of the haunted house of "蝶仙" in English means The Butterfly Lady .
It was so hilarious that Kaiming
was the one who got scared all the time ! I still thought I would be the one screaming ,
but throughout the 5 haunted houses , I only screamed once . But he got shocked a few times wtf hahahha . Which links back to why I said he didn't prove me wrong when I thought he would !

Kaiming said in Chinese "This one pretty , I wanna take photo with her" HAHHAHA

Met him once again !

Check out who photo-bombed me at the back !

I censored my face because I was
looking ridiculously ugly ! HAHHAHA . But the funny part was , the Halloween characters wanted to take photos with me ! And they were like "eh cannot together take , must one by one !" . And they would shoo away whoever that wants to be part of the picture .

Good make up . (Y)

After all the experience at the
haunted house of Sentosa Spooktacular , Kaiming kept insisting on going for the last one (fifth haunted house) before leaving ! But I was so mentally exhausted and trying not to be afraid , I chickened out ! He didn't force me and we left , we started discussing about all the haunted houses and realized we actually went all already !!!!!! We thought we went only 4 , but actually we went all 5 haunted houses ! Luck or what LOLOLOL ? No wonder we didn't see any more haunted houses !

Another side of Kaiming where he hardly shows LOL

Headed to HongKong Cafe for supper after that (:

We ordered the same ! It was always baked rice for me in the past at HK Cafe , but THIS , is definitely my new favorite !

Overall in comparison of USS Halloween (UH) and Sentosa Spooktacular (SS)
I would definitely say I enjoyed SS more ! SS has 5 haunted houses , much more creative and fun whereas UH only has 2 and the rests are like rides which of course ain't that bad either ! Both are fun , but I definitely felt more thrilled at SS (: 

Expect my next blog post soon ! 

 Just a note here : I've shift everything from @Kittyvonnc to @ChrysanLee !

Twitter : @ChrysanLee
Instagram : @ChrysanLee
GIFboom : @ChrysanLee
Formspring : @ChrysanLee
Email : chrysanlee@live.com
Blog : http://chrysanlee.blogspot.sg , previously kittyvonnc.blogspot.sg