
Sunday 14 July 2013

I've graduated !

So then I was
with Jteam undergoing a course that teaches you everything about filming from start till end & I gotta learn everything from scratch ! I'm just a girl who knows NOTHING about film making , but I was lucky enough to be placed together with 7 others to form a group & learn from each other :D Well , Jteam gave us about 13 weeks to learn AND make a film within that period of time , and my group (TEAM TWO) did it :D

We didn't know
how would film would fair compared to all the other groups on the very day of Graduation . Neither have I watched any of their films before . But basically on the night of Graduation @ Great World City , it is where all of our groups get to screen their very own film in the cinemas ! And that's where grading and awards would be announced . My team and I are VERY nervous , we were competing against so many groups and people , all so talented . 

And check out my team's poster ! 

It is super fulfilling
to have your very own film on the big screen of the cinemas . On the day of the Graduation , I actually planned to dress nicely but I didn't manage to collect my clothes in time as I send it for alteration days before the Graduation night ): ! PLUS , stupid girl me who only slept for a few hours was running late , and last minute mixed and matched ! So here's my outfit that day :

Surprisingly , 
many of you liked this outfit ! Must be because of the killer heels huh :p ?

To be honest ,
 I didn't really invite anyone to the premier screening of our film , but I only brought one person . And that my very best friend , Peixin :D Hahaha when we reached , so many people were there already ! Lot's of strangers , very own team mates and other crowds . I was so nervous as I was selected to be my group's representative to give a speech before our film starts .

That's me in the middle trying to take a picture of my group's poster :D

Me with our own poster

Two of my group members , Chrisline & Yan Yee who's part of the production team :D

After awhile of
greetings with all the people I know , chit chatting , picture taking and a little bit of filming , Peixin and I went to collect our tickets to head inside the cinema ! We sat all the way at the back because Chrisline's sister actually reserved two seats for Peixin and I (:

Not long later ,
the whole cinema slowly filled up , FULL ! So many people waiting to see our film , invited family members , VIPs , sponsors of our film , Director Jack Neo , Jteam group , Producer , Script Writer , Video Editor , ABTM actors Wei Liang & Maxi were all there and ready . That's where Director Jack Neo starts to give a speech ! 

P/S : I apologize for bad picture quality as I've forgotten to bring my DSLR that day because I was in a rush !

Director Jack Neo giving a speech
In case you're wondering , 
the people who grades our film is actually Director Jack Neo himself and all the other professionals like the producer , script writer etc . Script Writer would grade our script , Video Editor would grade our video editing skills etc :D ! And I was thinking , was it already graded before the Graduation night ? YES IT IS . So they actually know the results already . But I was still nervous . Also , fearing that my group wouldn't make it . 

Soon , it was
my turn to give a speech about the entire film making process & a short introduction about our film (as seen below) . I would like to confess , I SCREW THE WHOLE THING UP LOL . Sucks to be me ):

Beside me is Summer , the Director of my film :D

Look ! I'm so tiny there ! That's where my speech ends and our film starts screening :D
After watching 
everyone's film , I was so impressed ! Everyone did such a great job . And I'm so proud of my very own group , I'm so lucky to have them , being able to work SO WELL with them throughout this 13 week and producing a film . That's where I felt , our hard work really ain't wasted . For this film , we met up almost everyday just for it . Crazy huh ? 

Shortly after , 
it was time for all the awards to be given out ! The awards are namely :

1. Best Screen Play
2. Best Film
3. Best Director 
4. Best Video Editor
5. Best Actor
6. Best Supporting Actor
7. Best Supporting Actress 

[Yes there is no best actress]

From there , 
I started to get so nervous ! My group is competing again 4 other groups , would any of us get it ? And one award only goes to ONE person and ONE group respectively depending on the awards . Guess what ?

My team won the BEST FILM AWARD , THE BEST VIDEO EDITOR AWARD ,  THE BEST SUPPORTING ACTOR AWARD & THE BEST SUPPORTING ACTRESS AWARD ! We stole 4 awards out of the seven awards !!!! I'm so proud of my team ♥ !!!!

Best Film award
was given to everyone in my group as it is a group effort to achieve this . Best Supporting Actor award was given to Kenni from my team . Best Supporting Actress was given to me ! Super shocked . Best Video Editor was given to my team mate , Jason who helped us edit our film swee swee :D ! But it was also given to Sheryl , who's not from my team . The reason why the 'Best Video Editor' award was given to two person because the judges felt they both deserve it as one was filming love story (my team) and the other filmed horror show (Sheryl's team) . And it's not fair to compare both on the same scale . 

And yes that's me below taking my award !!!!

Me receiving my Best Supporting Actress award from Weiliang . [I felt like a queen then because they were playing music as I walked]

I was so nervous and shocked ! People were shouting my name when Weiliang asked them to guess who won the best supporting actress award . I would be embarrassed if it wasn't me . Right ?
I didn't know this picture was taken and posted on Jteam's Instagram till someone tagged my name on the photo ! Original link of this photo , click HERE

While Weiliang announced my name and apparently I was smiling to the other camera LOL .


After I received
my award from Weiliang , I was asked to comment about how I feel about receiving this award and all I said was , "I feel very embarrassed to be here right now . Because I screwed my speech earlier on just now ! And honestly I'm feeling a little down because I have to part with the rests after today"

Really , I felt very embarrassed ok .

Thank you Director Jack Neo & the judges for believing in me by presenting this award .

During the Best Film award where all my team members came down to take a picture and receive the award ! Left to Right : Kenni , Jason , Yan Yee , Hill , Kay , Summer , Me & Chrisline ♥ !

Yan Yee and Jason :D

Kenni and Yan Yee !
 Hahahha it was such a great time !
Was so overwhelmed and happy for all the things I've been given . After the ceremony , screening and sitting in the cinema for 3 hours , we had buffet directly outside the ticketing area with EVERYONE & all of us started taking pictures , eating and chatting !

Me & Sheryl , each holding our team's movie poster ! She's an amazing Video Editor , just like Jason from my team . That must be why the both of them received the best editor award

All I have to say is , 
I'm really grateful for everything . Even though I may not be better than others , but I'm grateful for all that I have , and all you readers who encouraged me , believed in me and didn't stop reading my blog . Thank you guys . Thank you very much ! ♥ Enjoy the pictures below ! 

P/S : we were all smiling in different directions as there were suddenly lot's of cameras taking pictures of us . Maybe because we too noisy lol .

My team , Left to Right : Jason , Summer & her son , Hill , Kenni , Me , Chrisline , Yan Yee & Kay .
I don't know where I should start from , 
about having such an amazing team . We all started as strangers , but just why did we worked so well together and even become such great friends ? We had SO MUCH fun and learned so much from each other throughout this period of time . We worked so hard together from the start till the end , I will never forget all the little details and all that we've gone through to achieve what we have today . I have to say I did not put in as much as effort as most of them did , I really am grateful to have them in my life , even now that our job is complete . I love you guys , thank you for being who you are

Left to Right : Jason , Summer & her son , Jack Neo , Kenni , Hill , Me Chrisline , Yan Yee & Kay

Left to Right : Jason , Chrisline , Hill , Yan Yee , Me , Kay , Summer & her son , Kenni and ABTM Scipt Writer , Link .

Sheryl and I again , I miss her very much ♥ !!!

Best group ever

Repost from Chrisline's Instagram , Peixin , Chrisline and I :D

Not to forget , my best friend , Peixin and I

With Jteam's producer , Shawn who has ALWAYS been super great to me

 Once again , love you guys ♥ ! 

I would update this blog post if I get the pictures taken by professional photographers that day !!!